T1 Personal Income Tax Returns
$300.00 per person per year
- Green Financial Online will prepare personal income tax returns for: Self-Employed, Sole Proprietors, Commissioned Employees with signed T2200s, and Partnerships. This includes:
- Filing of T1 Return
- Filing of GST Return
- Full copies of both returns sent to client
- Confirmations from CRA sent to client
- 1 ½ hours of customer support
- 1-hour CRA response support
- If the return is a ‘Straight T4 Return’ – no Self-Employment/Commissioned Employee/Sole Proprietor/Partnership income or expenses – the cost for preparation and filing is $100.00 per person per year
- The ‘Straight T4 Return’ does not include any customer support
Please note that there will be a $50 fee charged if you cancel or reschedule a meeting within 24 hours of a scheduled meeting